Online Registration

Amazing Amphibians & Radical Reptiles (Grades K-5)

Dates:July 22-26, 2024
Meets:M, Tu, W, Th and F from 9:00 AM to 12 N
Location:STEAM Center
Cost: $115.00

There are still openings remaining at this time.


Are snakes slimy? Why do frogs call? How do salamanders breath through their skin? What is the difference between turtles and tortoises? Explore the world of these scaly, slimy, cold-blooded creatures!
Fee: $115.00

Fee Breakdown

Course Fee (Basic)Registration Fee$ 115.00
Course Fee (Alternate)VSU Fac/Staff/Student$ 110.00
Course Fee (Alternate)VSU Alumni$ 110.00
Course Fee (Alternate)Military Disc$ 110.00

STEAM Center

1302 N Patterson St, Valdosta

Cynthia Daniels

Date Day Time Location
07/22/2024Monday9 AM to 12 N STEAM Center
07/23/2024Tuesday9 AM to 12 N STEAM Center
07/24/2024Wednesday9 AM to 12 N STEAM Center
07/25/2024Thursday9 AM to 12 N STEAM Center
07/26/2024Friday9 AM to 12 N STEAM Center
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