Online Registration

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Dates:May 1 - June 30, 2024
Meets:W from 12 M to 12:00 AM
Cost: $209.00

There are still openings remaining at this time.


COURSE START AND END DATES FOR OFFICE USE ONLY. You have 6 months to complete your course.

This course describes Autism and Asperger's Disorder, including characteristics of these disorders, associated learning styles, communication weaknesses, and various intervention strategies. The course helps the learner understand why individuals with Autism spectrum disorders behave the way they do, and what you can do to enhance more appropriate behavior. This course also lists resources for educators, related service personnel, and parents who want more help or information on Autism and Asperger's Disorder.

3 PLU/CEU          30 HOURS


COURSE DATES SHOWN ARE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY. Your class will be activated within 3 BUSINESS DAYS of registration. Access time is 6 MONTHS.
Fee: $209.00

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