Online Registration

Understanding & Implementing Common Core Standards

Dates:September 1 - December 31, 2021
Meets:W from 12 M to 12:00 AM
Cost: $219.00

Sorry, this course is inactive. Please contact our office to see if it will be reinstated, or if alternative classes are available.

COURSE START AND END DATES FOR OFFICE USE ONLY. You have 6 months to complete your course.

This course, Understanding & Implementing Common Core Standards, has been divided into four chapters. The organization of the course covers the rationale for and design of the Common Core State Standards, the “Common Core Mindset” practitioners need for successful implementation, and what specific actions can be taken for deeper implementation across settings.

4 PLU/4.5 CEU          45 HOURS


COURSE DATES SHOWN ARE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY. Your class will be activated within 3 BUSINESS DAYS of registration. ACCESS TIME IS 6 MONTHS.
Fee: $219.00

Call us at 229-245-6484 to see if you qualify for a discount on this course.

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