Online Registration

Superhero Academy (Ages 5-8)

Dates:June 26-30, 2017
Meets:M, Tu, W, Th and F from 9:00 AM to 12 N
Location:RCCE A108
Cost: $89.00

Sorry, this course is inactive. Please contact our office to see if it will be reinstated, or if alternative classes are available.

Create your own superheroes while honing your art, design, and writing skills. Several projects and activities each day!
Fee: $89.00

Fee Breakdown

Course Fee (Basic)Registration Fee$ 89.00


Annex Building - Classroom

Cristen Casey

Date Day Time Location
06/26/2017Monday9 AM to 12 N RCCE A108
06/27/2017Tuesday9 AM to 12 N RCCE A108
06/28/2017Wednesday9 AM to 12 N RCCE A108
06/29/2017Thursday9 AM to 12 N RCCE A108
06/30/2017Friday9 AM to 12 N RCCE A108
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